appointment of persons.
this is a legal form in the state of oregon that allows you to select who will have rights and control over the disposition of your body after death. this form takes precedent over the otherwise legally recognized hierarchy of “next of kin”. all oregon funeral homes must recognize this form when signed and witnessed.
save this legal document in a safe space and make sure someone knows it exists so these wishes can be fulfilled.
oregon death certificate worksheet.
all of the information necessary to complete a death certificate in oregon.
oregon advanced directive forms.
this form allows you to state your wishes for health care in the event you cannot express your needs. this form is where you can name a person to make health care decisions on your behalf, known as a health care representative.
oregon home funeral packet.
Information on all the necessary paperwork should you choose to act as the funeral service practitioner and not involve a funeral home in the care of your loved one.