all bodies deserve safe & inclusive death care.

an all-volunteer, anti-capitalist, radical death care community.

we envision a world where community care is central and queer, LGBTQIA2S+, BIPOC/PGM, and other marginalized communities have access to accessible, affirming, inclusive, and holistic death care - devoid of harmful for-profit systems.

we want liberation for our collective community in life and death.

the funeral industry was established predominantly by white men, catering to the needs and preferences of white, cisgender individuals. this historical foundation perpetuates systemic exclusion and discrimination against marginalized communities, including queer and trans individuals. the industry’s operations continue to reflect this legacy, reinforcing existing power dynamics and privileging certain identities over others. as a result, queer and trans individuals often encounter barriers to access, respect, and affirmation within traditional funeral services, highlighting the industry’s inherent bias and lack of inclusivity.

the funeral industry will not protect you.

the funeral industry will not protect you.